Your real value is impervious to your perceived deficiencies. Your worth does not increase when you fixate on the things other people seem to effortlessly do well – things at which you can’t even achieve mediocrity no matter how much effort you put into it.
But who you ARE is glorious – the you that is growing, healing, accepting, pruning, transforming, integrating, at whatever speed – that you has the capacity to succeed in the areas where it feels like embarrassment and shame are the only possible outcomes.
In fact, your success begins when you realize your worth isn’t connected to the success, and that there is space for you in every area of life.
And the things that you are effortlessly marvelous at?
So often you don’t even know what those are because they are too close, too normal, too easily taken for granted. But not everyone can do those things the way you do. Others feel like they’re banging their heads against a wall when they try.
So my advice – to me, to you – is this:
Focus on the practice of loving who you are.
Focus on growth.
Face the hard things, but don’t fixate on them. Appreciate the ways other people are amazingly, effortlessly capable, and tell them so. We need each other.
And when someone expresses their appreciation for how they see you to be amazingly and effortlessly capable, please, for the love of everything, thank them and BELIEVE THEM.
Don’t deny yourself life-giving words.
They are true about you.