Hi! I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know what I’m doing! But that’s ok, we’ll roll with it.
My name is Faith and I’m an almost luddite who’s shown up on Substack because a friend invited me to check it out (hi Brian! [follow him at Working It Out As I Go {can I link to his page here? Halp!}]), and move my blog over.
Technology may not be my thing, but thinking, talking, and writing about who God is and what he’s like IS. So here you’ll find me exploring a radical, trauma-informed Gospel in which our creator is an adorer, not an abuser.
Please do poke around at the posts I’ve imported: you’ll find my origin story (“These Are Days of Miracle and Wonder”), different journeys I and my family have taken, through detours like depression and functional neurology (“Darkness and Light”, and any post that starts with “Diddle Diddle Dumpling, My Son John”, respectively), and of course my thoughts on what the Gospel is, and what it isn’t littered throughout.
Why did I move to Substack, you may ask? Well, my blogspot blog (which really feels like the luddite’s blogging platform at this point, is that accurate?) was a very hidden and safe and cozy little mind palace for me… (it didn’t do followers or subscribers somehow) and I loved that. I love hiding under my rock or up in my tower (depending on the day), thinking my thoughts and tossing them into the ether. I can’t not do that. It was a safe place for the part of me that struggles with a fear of being perceived–not too many people were just going to stumble upon it.
By all accounts, Substack is decidedly not that. The risk of being seen and then judged and dismissed is far greater here just because of the sheer number of eyeballs that exist on this platform, and I feel it. But I think I’ve set a personal record this year in facing things I’ve been afraid of and not dying, so bring on the next.
Anyway, I’m pleased to be here, and I’d love to hear from you!
P.S. for managing expectations: I have a lot of kids and a couple animals, and some parts of the year my writing ebbs more, and sometimes it flows more. In more prolific times I can hit publish once a week, in slower times once a month. I can’t tell you how frequently I’ll post, only that I will post.