A share from the archives while I work on some things.
The Truth will not break YOU. Truth breaks through the layers of shit –the lies, the shame, the fears– that have been plastered all over you, masquerading as your true self. Truth pricks through those layers, shines its light through the holes that it creates, so that the light of the Truth of you can shine back. Truth, externally, drawing out the Truth of who you really are, internally. But then why does it feel like you’re breaking? Why does it feel like you’re dying? Because! You thought you were all of those things. You thought you were the lies, you thought you were the fear, you thought you were the shame. It hurts when the things we’ve believed all our lives long about ourselves are ripped away. It hurts! It feels like we’re dying. But those things aren’t us. They never were us. They never were you. Truth is here to tear those things away and liberate you.
Originally shared on TikTok, check it out!
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